Injuries from Construction Accidents: Causes, Risk Factors, and Prevention

A Comprehensive Guide to the Literature for Personal Injury Lawyers

Publisher: Medifocus Legal
Publication Date: August 2, 2019
Number of Pages: 110
It is well established that the construction industry is one of the largest and most dangerous industries in the United States and other industrialized countries. Traditionally the construction industry has been, and continues to be, plagued with accidents resulting in both a large number of nonfatal injuries as well as fatalities. For example, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2015 a total of 985 construction workers died from work-related injuries, accounting for 20% of the total (4,836) fatal injuries at workplaces in the United States, more than any other industry. Also in 2015, the number of nonfatal injuries and illnesses in construction reached 80,000 cases, a 9% increase from 2011. The safety and health of individuals who work in the construction industry is, therefore, considered as a major priority for public health officials and policymakers.

Among various industries, construction is considered as a unique, complex, and hazardous workplace. The same factors that contribute to the unique nature of the construction industry including, a transient workforce, the need to work at high elevations, and demanding physical and mental requirements for the day-to-day work process, also contribute to the high rate of construction accidents. Accident causality and risk reduction on construction sites is complex and multifaceted and, therefore, accident prevention begins with having a clear understanding of the variables that play key roles in their causation. Research on the causation of certain construction accident scenarios has shown that causation patterns depend on both the specific accident mechanisms and the task at hand. One important conclusion that has emerged from this research is that each individual accident mechanism has its own characteristic causation pattern.

Litigation of construction accidents continues to be filed on a regular basis. Although typically many of these cases are filed through a workers' compensation claim, a lawsuit seeking compensation for a construction-related injury may also be brought outside the workers' compensation system. This includes a traditional personal injury case for damages from a nonfatal injury; a wrongful death case if an employee dies in a construction accident; or a product liability case if a tool or equipment used in the construction process either contributes to or causes an injury. Attorneys who handle construction accident cases must have a comprehensive understanding about the underlying mechanisms resulting in a particular injury to establish a firm basis for causation, as well as the damages resulting from a construction-related injury in terms of lost wages, medical bills, pain & suffering, and loss of normal life.

The MediFocus Literature Guide to Injuries from Construction Accidents : Causes, Risk Factors, and Prevention is a comprehensive reference Guide to the medical literature that captures the salient articles that have been published about both nonfatal and fatal injuries sustained by workers on construction sites. This unique Guide includes nearly 160 hand-selected references focusing on construction accident injuries plus links to the article abstracts and also includes a valuable Author Directory that enables attorneys to quickly identify and locate experts in the field. This medical literature reference Guide will be a welcome addition to the library of individual attorneys and law firms who litigate construction accident cases.

Injuries from Construction Accidents: Causes, Risk Factors, and Prevention is a one-of-a-kind literature reference Guide that includes:

  • A comprehensive bibliography of 158 journal article references indexed in MEDLINE published in well respected medical and scientific journals.
  • Online access to the abstracts (summaries) of the articles.
  • Online access to the free full-text version of 46 articles.
  • Links to full-text sources of other articles that are available for purchase directly from individual journal publishers.
  • A unique "Author Directory" consisting of the names and institutional affiliations of experts who have published and have specialized knowledge about Injuries from Construction Accidents: Causes, Risk Factors, and Prevention. The "Author Directory" is a valuable resource for quickly identifying and locating experts for case reviews, opinions, and testimony.

Select examples of topics that are covered by the articles referenced in this Guidebook include:

  • Work-related injuries and fatalities in the geotechnical site works.
  • Interventions to prevent injuries in construction workers.
  • Fatal work-related falls in the United States, 2003-2014.
  • Risk factors for non-fatal occupational injuries among construction workers: A case-control study.
  • Occupational safety and health management in the construction industry: a review.
  • Workers' compensation loss prevention representative contact and risk of lost-time injury in construction policyholders.
  • Prevalence and Perception of Risky Health Behaviors Among Construction Workers.
  • Associations between safety climate and safety management practices in the construction industry.
  • Fatal falls and PFAS use in the construction industry: Findings from the NIOSH FACE reports.
  • Work-related musculoskeletal disorders among construction workers in the United States from 1992 to 2014.
  • Construction accidents: identification of the main associations between causes, mechanisms and stages of the construction process.
  • Safety concerns related to modular/prefabricated building construction.
  • Managing Risk in Construction.
  • Falls from Height in the Construction Industry: A Critical Review of the Scientific Literature.
  • Fatal traumatic brain injuries in the construction industry, 2003-2010.
  • Workers' compensation claims for musculoskeletal disorders and injuries of the upper extremity and knee among union carpenters in Washington State, 1989-2008.
  • Risks of a lifetime in construction: traumatic injuries.
  • Factors influencing unsafe behaviors and accidents on construction sites: a review.
  • Electrical injury in construction workers: a special focus on injury with electrical power.
  • Construction fall fatalities can be prevented.
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