Falls and Fall Prevention in Nursing Homes

A Comprehensive Guide to the Literature for Personal Injury Lawyers

Publisher: Medifocus Legal
Publication Date: July 12, 2024
Number of Pages: 120
Falls among elderly nursing home residents represent a significant healthcare issue. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 1.6 million older adults in the U.S. experience a fall in a nursing home, leading to around 1,800 deaths annually from fall-related injuries. Many factors contribute to the high incidence of falls among elderly nursing home residents. These include age-related decline in balance and strength, cognitive impairment, impaired hearing and/or vision, peripheral vascular disease, and diabetic neuropathy. Moreover, environmental factors within a nursing home such as poor lighting, slippery floors, inadequate handrails, and improperly fitted assistive devices can further increase the risk of falls among residents.

To combat this problem, regulatory bodies and healthcare organizations have developed specific guidelines aimed at preventing falls within a nursing home environment. Despite these guidelines, however, challenges persist in consistently implementing and monitoring fall prevention strategies across all nursing homes.

In cases involving accidental falls in nursing home residents resulting in serious injuries, the most common issues typically revolve around the issue of negligence. Plaintiffs often argue that the nursing home was negligent in its duty to protect residents from falls by failure to maintain a safe environment, disregarding known fall risks, or failure to implement appropriate fall prevention measures. Arguments may also focus on whether or not the nursing home was compliant with relevant state and federal regulations and guidelines concerning resident safety and fall prevention.

The MediFocus Literature Guide to Falls and Fall Prevention in Nursing Homes is a comprehensive guide to the medical literature that is specifically intended for attorneys whose areas of practice includes nursing home litigation. This valuable Guidebook focuses on a broad range of medical-legal issues pertaining to fall-related injuries sustained by residents in a nursing home environment. The Guidebook will prove to be a valuable resource for all attorneys, plaintiff or defense, whose law practice includes nursing home litigation.

The MediFocus Literature Guide to Falls and Fall Prevention in Nursing Homes is available both as a soft-cover book and as a PDF download. Order your copy today. Please see the side panel for ordering information.
Falls and Fall Prevention in Nursing Homes is a one-of-a-kind literature reference Guide that includes:

  • A comprehensive bibliography of 326 journal article references indexed in MEDLINE published in well respected medical and scientific journals.
  • Online access to the abstracts (summaries) of the articles.
  • Online access to the free full-text version of 52 articles.
  • Links to full-text sources of other articles that are available for purchase directly from individual journal publishers.
  • A unique "Author Directory" consisting of the names and institutional affiliations of experts who have published and have specialized knowledge about Falls and Fall Prevention in Nursing Homes. The "Author Directory" is a valuable resource for quickly identifying and locating experts for case reviews, opinions, and testimony.

Select examples of topics that are covered by the articles referenced in this Guidebook include:

  • Incidence and Risk Factors of Falls Among Older People in Nursing Homes: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
  • Fall prevention in hospitals and nursing homes: Clinical practice guideline.
  • Documenting fall episodes: a scoping review.
  • Which factors influence the prevalence of institution-acquired falls? Results from an international, multi-center, cross-sectional survey.
  • Evaluation of Clinical Practice Guidelines on Fall Prevention and Management for Older Adults: A Systematic Review.
  • Bedrails and Falls in Nursing Homes: A Systematic Review
  • Managing and keeping control: A qualitative synthesis of nursing and care staff strategies to prevent older people from falling.
  • What happens to patients when they fracture their hip during a skilled nursing facility stay?
  • A fall prevention guideline for older adults living in long-term care facilities.
  • Falls and Preventive Practices among Institutionalized Older People.
  • Effectiveness of Hip Protectors to Reduce Risk for Hip Fracture from Falls in Long-Term Care
  • Trajectories of cognitive and physical performance after accidental falls in nursing home residents: A prospective study.
  • Falls and long-term survival among older adults residing in care homes.
  • Predicting falls from behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia in older people residing in facilities
  • Interventions for preventing falls in older people in care facilities and hospitals
  • Falls in institutionalized elderly with and without cognitive decline A study of some factors.
  • The relation between falls and medication use among elderly in assisted living facilities.
  • Advanced Dementia in Long-Term Care: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Fall Prevention
  • STOP-FALLING: A Simple Checklist Tool for Fall Prevention in a Nursing Facility.
  • Fall and Fracture Risk in Nursing Home Residents With Moderate-to-Severe Behavioral Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias Initiating Antidepressants or Antipsychotics.
The MediFocus Literature Guide on Falls and Fall Prevention in Nursing Homes
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